Thursday, November 7, 2013

Post of the Day #2

Write what you remember as a child. Write about random memories. Make it a list.

Like I have mentioned earlier, I don't really remember much about my childhood. My memory has never been the best hence recalling History facts have been a pain growing up.

1. I don't watch that many Disney movies when I was younger. In fact, I don't think I actually sat down and watched an entire Disney movie, ever. What I remember watching were Popeye, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter Laboratory etc. But I really loved reading "Cinderella"

You see I have a brother 4 years older than me, so when it came to TV time, he usually got to choose the channel because he is, well, older than me. So I mostly watched WWF when I was younger. Yup wrestling. I remember the Rock's punchline (?) was "Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?" I was exposed to such violence at a young age *the horror*. I distinctively remember my brother doing a WWF stunt on me at my grandmother's house also. So if you're wondering why I am violent most of the time, blame WWF. It's kind of a waste that my parents did not send me for martial art classes. I would love to kick some butts or channel that anger to something physical.

2. I used to sit the bus to go to kindergarten although it is really near my house. I suppose my parents wanted me to learn to be a little bit independent? Even when I was younger, I did not make friends very easily. Whenever I feel like I don't fit in, I usually just shun away instead of trying harder to mingle. So on the way to kindergarten, I often sat at the front and spoke to the bus driver. You can say the bus driver adored me :) 

During the first day of kindergarten (?), I did not want to get down from the bus so what I did was I pulled my Principal's hair when she tried to get me off the bus. Haha. Violence strikes up again!

3. *bangga moment* I started sleeping in my own room at a young age, according to my parents. Probably when I started kindergarten. And I loved sleeping with the lights off.

4. Last time during weekends, my family will either go cycling to Bukit Serindit, a park near my house or we will go swimming. I don't know when we stopped doing all that.

5. My family together with my grandparents and uncles and aunts used to go vacations together when I was younger, still with my mushroom hair style. Somehow, we stopped doing that also.

6. A boy asked me to be his girlfriend when we were both 12. But I said no. I think now karma is getting at me. I'm 21 and still single. Blehh :/

7. I went to a Chinese kindergarten but then continued on to Convent schools during Primary and Secondary years. Nobody really enforced the importance of Mandarin during my time. So my Mandarin is really rusty. Only lately I learn to speak and read a little bit of Mandarin.

8. I used to stay at my grandparents' house after school, while waiting for my mother to get back from work. Once I broke the handle of the water dispenser, and frightened that my grandfather will punish me, my grandmother took the blame for me. She told me to lie and say that she did it :'(  first time I felt like I really love my grandmother.

9. I think I used to cry a lot when I was younger. Haha.

10. I was close to losing my grandmother. I don't remember when it happened but a vein in my grandmother's brain ruptured and she was in a comma. I don't really remember much about it but I knew that feeling of almost losing her is something I never want to experience again.

11. I lost my best friend when we were both 17 years old. She passed away on Valentine's Day.

12. I used to play with water a lot during bath time. Me and my brother would wet the toilet paper, make it into a ball and throw it to the ceiling while it got stuck there. Of course, my grandfather caught us. 

13. There was one point of time when I was in Standard 3 where I did not want to do my homework. I would stack my homework or hide them until my parents caught me. That was the first time I got canned by my parents. I think that was the only time I got canned.

14. I was the class monitor from Standard 1 to Standard 3. I was also the Head Prefect in Standard 5. My name is engraved on the board in my primary school.

15. I loved to run when I was young. I would join the running event every year during Sports Day.

16. My only school trip during Primary school was to Cameron Highlands. I loved it.

17. I have stolen a postcard from Popular book store. I really liked Wu Chun from Fahrenheit last time. I have the postcard on my cupboard now :D

It sounds like I was a really mischievous child but I actually am not. These are just the memories I can recall, and they are mostly of me doing bad stuff. Haha. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Post of the Day #1

Stumbled upon this somewhere while surfing the net.

I have decided to have one blog post for every item listed there.

Write about the day you were born. Write about the obvious stuff, such as where you were born, what day, what time. Then explore the tiniest details. Talk to who was there. Are their recollections similar? Any distinct differences?

I was born on 19th May 1992. In a hospital somewhere in Malacca. I can never remember my time of birth. What most people don't know is that I am a premature baby. Yes, I wasn't consuming food/ nutrients through the umbilical cord so the doctor(s) had to do a C-section on my mother. I forgotten how much I weighed but I know I was really really tiny, being 7 months only. I think I was put in the NICU because I was so tiny. The doctor probably worried I have under-developed lungs and organs, I think.

I don't remember who were there but I would assume my family was there. My dad, my bro, my grandparents, my uncles and aunts, maybe? Of course everyone had to be there to see me! ;)

I don't remember much about my childhood. I never really bothered to anyway. Only sometimes when I get curious, especially growing up, I'll ask my mother how I was like as a kid. My mom told me that I learned to speak really late, like later than normal toddlers? But since when have I been "normal" and followed the rules? Pfft.

Although being 7 months only, I still grew up with a pair of functioning hands and legs. I'm just really short. Like I said, nothing about me is normal.

I know I was cute when I was young, with really big eyes and the mushroom headed hairstyle. Come on, which baby didn't have the mushroom/ helmet hairstyle? You gotta be kidding me!

Somehow, I wished my parents have recorded moments of me growing up. It would be fun to look back and recall all those memories.

Random #8

Wow so much going on in my mind right now.

1. Thoughts on Tabitha. Thinking about how things will be different if she is around. I haven't been thinking much about her lately but because I met her eldest sis the other day, and the way she talks reminds me of Tabitha. I really miss her, badly. 

2. How much I appreciate my friends in University right now. I think I finally grasp the meaning of true friendship and how friends play a really big role especially now, when I'm far away from home, far away from my comfort zone. I feel like I have stepped out of my comfort  zone multiple of times now that I am in KL. Feels pretty good most of the time. But sometimes there is a need to just step back into it and reflect on life. Like right now. 

3. Thinking how complicated relationships can be. Our feelings is just one pile of mess on its own. When it comes to relationships, it just defies all logic and reasoning. Like you can knock a ton of sense into someone, let him/ her see the big, clear picture but at the end of the day, 'feelings' is the one that screws up everything. 

4. Worrying about how I am doing this semester. It is not going the way I want to. Been procrastinating so much lately. It's like having things done at the last minute, has become a habit. I am settling for "as long as I pass" instead of wanting to do well. Get your head together, Kelsey. 

5. I really really miss home. 

6. I just want to run. Is this a form of escapism? 

7. I want to talk to that someone, someday. Like have a proper conversation

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Don't Wake Me Up

I'm temperamental
I get jealous pretty quickly
I have low self-esteem
I don't make friends easily
I'm short

And most of all,
I'm just ordinary.

Now how do I turn all these around?

Guess, it's just one of those days.

Again, I just want to run in the empty streets, turn the music on and go on til my legs get weak

Picture from Google

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thoughts. Mostly The WHYs?

"Why would some people want to have sexual relations with children, with corpses, with barnyard animals, with whips and chains, with shoes, in groups, in front of observers, obsessively and so on?"

I came across this while reading my Human Personality book and it got me thinking. I am still trying to figure it out and searching for an acceptable answer. Why? Why? WHY? Is sex that powerful that you have to let it take over your body and mind? I don't know, man. I feel like I need to rationalize this with somebody.

During Child Abuse class, Mr Alex showed us a few videos on children being abused by their parents. And we're talking about children below 10 years old, being hit, by the people they regard as "parents". It's sick, to be honest. 

He showed us a video of an eighteen year old mother who was frustrated with her 10-month old baby. She kept hitting the baby with a pillow and pinching that poor child. Honestly, it pissed me off because the mother was being irresponsible on so many levels. Don't even get me started on premarital and unsafe sex. 

Child Abuse class is depressing but also very insightful. Now I have more questions in my head :/

Also while reading my slides, I came across this. It is a bit random and out of context, but, heh.

List down 5 life goals that you have

1. To travel to a third world country and help the people there especially the children in providing education
2. To have a happy marriage. To love and be loved.
3. To publish a book/ write in for newspapers or magazines
4. To travel to as many places as possible
5. To be someone people can always rely on. 

I feel like I accomplished a few things yesterday. I even went for a jog after stopping for a while. Yesterday was a brilliant day. Let's hope today will be the same or even better :))

Monday, September 23, 2013

Food or Thought?

I cannot decide on the mood right now. I have been listening to emo songs but I am not particularly emotional or anything. Just that emo songs are also very soothing, kind of like the one below

Also the voice of the singer is really calm and sexy

Haven't been back home in quite some time. I am dying with having to eat the same food or worse still, not knowing what to cook for dinner. I NEED ME SOME MALACCAN FOOD. Or a car to drive out and hunt for some KL food. When will I be brave enough to drive in KL? T-T

I would do anything to have those food now. The epitome of home sick eventhough home is just a 2-hour journey away.

Been putting a lot of time into WMHD. We recently did a launch and a song mob, which were pretty successful? I assume so. I had to leave halfway during the MOST interesting event for my Quantitative assessment. FML I really suck in timing. I know I have said this countless of times but I am really glad I joined WMHD. I'm most excited for the new places I get to go with these people. I am no longer stuck facing only the four walls in my room. Yay!

Most of the WMHD people are in there. Photo credit to Jo Li

I also realised that my biological clock is crazy again. I can now stay up til 7 am but will wake up really late in the afternoon, usually when I start feeling really hungry. This is bad right? And this semester sees me being so nonchalant about my studies despite nearing deadlines and mid-terms coming. Focus, Kelsey!

I have a lot on my mind right now. Maybe I should just list them down.

1. Figuring out if I should confess to this guy but then questioning why? When did life become so complicated? Haha it probably isn't, I just love exaggerating. But it is nice being around him and knowing more about him. My friend says give it time. I am more comfortable around him now and it brightens my day whenever I see him in University. I'm corny like that, I'm sorry.

2. I feel the need to go for a run. To train for my 10k marathon in a month's time and to just lose some weight and to feel healthy. /I'm fat and unhealthy for my size ERMAIGAWDD O.O

3. To prioritise. Especially in my studies. The goal this time is 3.25. If I can get higher, that would be great. But Social Psychology and Advanced Quantitative might just be the death of me. Need. To. Start. Studying. Soon. Today.

4. Start on group assignments. The assignments this semester are a pain in the butt because we need to get out to do group activity or interview someone. Really not looking forward to it.

5. Get more involved with Re:ed. I haven't attended any classes since the start of the new semester.

6. Find out my purpose in life. Haha. Okay, let me rephrase. Put more thoughts into my future. Set goals I want to achieve by the end of this year. But usually when it comes to goals, then it involves "getting good grades for my current semester", how boring. I need to work on a list a.s.a.p.

Everything is just a clutter in my head right now. 50 shades of cloudiness (Yes, I've been reading 50 Shades of Grey)

I must say I was quite disappointed that my WMHD article didn't appear in the R.AGE section in the Star although they e-mailed and said they would publish my piece. But I'll try again one day.

2013 has been kind to me so far. Turning 21 and getting more exposure, meeting new people and hopefully growing each day have been more than just a blessing. 3 more months til it ends so lets try to accomplish more things!

Overall, I am thankful.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Re:Ed Project-- We're Up Online!

I recently did a newspaper interview for Harian Metro, which also turned out to be an online article. Both the newspaper article and online article are out! Below are what the few volunteers had to say. They paraphrased my part a lot, probably because my Bahasa sucks :/

But first time having my full name written in an online article and in the newspaper....ahhhh... :)))

First article on what the Re:ed volunteers do:

Second article on what the volunteers have to say about Re:ed (My part included!)  (Basically what I copied and pasted below)

To know more of what we do, visit

Bantu cepat kuasai matematik

Bagi pelajar Ijazah Sarjana Muda Psikologi Universiti Help, Rashiqah Ahmad Raqi, 21, pengalaman menjadi tutor di rumah anak-anak yatim menjadikan dirinya lebih memahami cara me­ngendalikan pelajar yang kebanyakannya lemah dalam pelajaran.
Ini dapat dilihat ketika kali pertama bertemu secara lebih dekat, Rashiqah tidak terus membuat andaian yang mereka tidak mempunyai keinginan belajar tanpa menyelami perasaan dan masalah mereka terlebih dulu. 
“Memang benar selepas menjadi tutor Matematik untuk dua pelajar, saya dapati mereka mempunyai keinginan untuk belajar. Ini dapat dilihat sepanjang pengajaran, mereka memberikan tumpuan sepenuhnya dan menyelesaikan kerja sekolah dengan bersungguh-sungguh,” katanya. 

Berdepan pelajar yang tidak boleh mengira memberi cabaran kepada Rashiqah untuk memberi kefahaman dengan jelas kepada mereka.
Apa yang dilakukan adalah mengukuhkan asas matematik yang sepatut­nya sudah dikuasai. Kemudian dia memberikan latihan kerana menerusi­nya mereka dapat menguasai dengan cepat.

“Latihan Matematik banyak membantu untuk lebih memahami asas pengiraan seperti tambah dan tolak. Saya mengajar cara untuk cepat mengira dan memberi jawapan dengan cara mencongak. Bagi menguji kefahaman, ujian diadakan pada setiap peringkat dan sekiranya berjaya mereka akan dinaikkan ke tahap seterusnya,” katanya yang meng­gunakan buku bersiri Kumon Bend J tahap 1,2 dan 3. 

Mengakui menjadi pe­ngajar untuk pelajar buta huruf bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Selain bijak mengendalikan emosi, Rashiqah harus tahu sama ada mereka bosan atau tidak memahami apa yang diajar menerusi gerak bahasa tubuh. 

Jika kelihatan gelisah dan tidak lagi menumpukan perhatian, dia akan berhenti mengajar dan meminta pelajar berjalan-jalan selama 10 minit sebelum menyambung semula dengan aktiviti teka silang kata atau permainan menerusi komputer tablet. 

“Dengan cara ini mereka kembali bersemangat dan menumpukan perhatian mengenai apa yang diajar. Walaupun adakalanya timbul rasa marah sekira­nya pelajar masih tidak faham walaupun sudah diajar berkali-kali, saya harus bersabar kerana kaedah kekerasan sebenarnya tidak membantu malah akan menyebabkan emosi mereka terganggu. 

“Sebaliknya saya meng­gunakan sepenuhnya apa yang dipelajari dalam subjek psikologi ketika mengajar mereka. Ia sebenarnya sangat berkesan,” katanya. 

Anak bongsu empat ber­adik ini menjelaskan walaupun tidak menerima sebarang ganjaran, dia sangat gembira kerana dapat menghulurkan bantuan kepada golongan kurang berkemampuan. 

Melihat perubahan setiap hari dengan ada antara mereka sudah boleh membaca dan mengira dengan lancar, ia satu kepuasan yang sukar digambarkan dan lebih berharga melebihi wang ringgit. 

Pada masa hadapan, Rashiqah berharap lebih ramai sukarelawan tampil membantu pelajar meningkatkan pemahaman dan mengurangkan kadar buta huruf di sekolah. Pada masa sama dia ingin menjadikan pembelajaran sesuatu yang menyeronokkan dan bukannya paksaan. 

Kuasai skil membaca dan mengira 
Bagi Izram Haris Abd Hamid, 23, sifat suka mende­ngar serta membantu rakan yang sedang dilanda masalah antara ciri utama dia memilih jurusan psikologi di Universiti Help. 

Baginya, sebelum menolong orang lain dia harus memahami diri sendiri terlebih dulu dan ini banyak dipraktikkan menerusi aktiviti sukarelawan yang dijalankan bersama rakan lain. 

Dia bersama rakannya, Brian dan Pow ketika mula-mula merangka dan membuat perancangan mengenai Projek Re:ed mengakui, di Lembah Klang saja ramai pelajar buta huruf dan mereka memerlukan bantuan de­ngan cara menghadiri kelas pemulihan terutama mata pelajaran Matematik dan bahasa supaya perkara asas seperti membaca dan me­ngira mampu dikuasai dengan baik. 

“Menerusi Projek Re:ed ini sekurang-kurangnya tenaga sukarelawan yang sedikit ini mampu mengubah masa depan menjadi lebih cerah. 

“Bayangkan sekira­nya seorang pelajar dapat diubah dan dia pula akan menolong orang lain di kemudian hari, sudah pasti ia menjadi satu pusingan pendidikan yang positif sekali gus mampu memberikan sesuatu yang bernilai kepada masyarakat. 

“Walaupun usaha ini dilihat kecil, ia membawa makna yang besar bukan saja kepada pelajar tetapi sekolah, keluarga seterusnya negara,” katanya. 

Jelasnya, setiap orang dilahirkan sama dan berpotensi menjadi insan berjaya suatu hari nanti sekiranya mereka tahu cara menggerakkan nilai positif dalam diri mereka. 

Sama seperti pelajar ini walaupun realitinya mereka bermasalah dan buta huruf, siapa tahu pada masa depan mereka menjadi individu berjaya. Namun kejayaan pada masa depan banyak bergantung kepada hari ini dan cara mereka menguruskannya. 

“Antaranya adalah menerusi pendidikan iaitu dengan memberi kesedar­an mengenai pentingnya pendidikan pada masa depan. Mengubah nasib mereka hari ini dapat mengubah kehidupan pada masa akan datang. Ia juga langkah mengelak daripada masalah sosial yang kebanyakan dilakukan mereka yang tidak berpendidikan,” katanya yang akan mula mengajar pada 7 September ini untuk subjek Bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Matematik. 

Perbanyakkan kosa kata 

I cannot look at my face T-T

Pendapat yang sama turut diberikan Kelsey Wee Chie Shin, 21, yang menjadi tutor di SMK Tengku Idris Shah untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris. 

Dia sentiasa mengingat­kan diri supaya tidak melihat perkara negatif dalam diri pelajar sebaliknya mencari nilai positif supaya nilai yang baik ini dapat dikembangkan. 

Setiap manusia dilahirkan sama dan selepas menjadi guru kepada pelajar di sekolah ini, dia mulai sedar mereka bukanlah pelajar yang lemah sebaliknya banyak faktor me­nyebabkan mereka menjadi seperti sekarang. 

“Sebagai pelajar psikologi saya lebih memahami mengapa seseorang itu menjadi seperti dirinya hari ini, sama seperti pelajar di SMK Tengku Idris. 

“Mungkin masalah keluarga, kewangan dan persekitaran menjadi punca mereka lemah dalam pelajaran. Ini kerana selepas mengadakan kelas saya dapati mereka mempunyai keinginan untuk belajar dan bersungguh-sungguh membuat latihan,” katanya. 

Untuk subjek Bahasa Ing­geris, kelemahan pelajar dari segi memahami sesuatu perkataan. Perbendaharaan kata mereka sangat lemah, jadi Wee lebih memberi tumpuan kepada cara untuk memperbanyakkan kosa kata dengan membaca seberapa banyak buku Bahasa Inggeris. 

“Kali pertama mengajar saya sangat terkejut apabila ada antara mereka langsung tidak memahami perkataan yang mudah. Ini menyebab­kan saya terpaksa mengajar perkara asas supaya mereka lebih jelas apabila sudah berada pada tahap seterusnya,” katanya. 

Bagi mengelak pelajar bosan, dia cuba mempelbagaikan kaedah pengajaran dengan cara mengadakan permainan seperti teka silang kata serta memperbanyakkan penggunaan gambar. Menerusi kaedah ini mereka juga lebih tertarik untuk belajar. 

Lebih penting, mereka mahu datang ke kelas secara sukarela pada setiap minggu. Seperti sukarelawan yang lain, Wee juga tidak pernah mengharapkan ganjaran atas kerja amal yang dilakukan­nya. Sifat suka menolong sejak kecil menjadikannya seorang yang ikhlas dan sentiasa memenuhi keperluan mereka yang memerlukan. 

“Sejak kecil saya suka menolong orang terutama rakan yang memerlukan bantuan. Untuk Projek Re:ed, saya berbangga kerana dapat menghulurkan bantuan kepada pelajar ini. Melihat perubahan mereka daripada tidak boleh membaca kini semakin lancar, ia satu kepuasan yang sukar digambarkan. 

“Saya berharap Re:ed akan terus berkembang bukan hanya untuk satu atau dua sekolah, tetapi untuk semua pelajar yang menghadapi masalah buta huruf agar masa depan mereka lebih terbela,” katanya.