Thursday, November 7, 2013

Post of the Day #2

Write what you remember as a child. Write about random memories. Make it a list.

Like I have mentioned earlier, I don't really remember much about my childhood. My memory has never been the best hence recalling History facts have been a pain growing up.

1. I don't watch that many Disney movies when I was younger. In fact, I don't think I actually sat down and watched an entire Disney movie, ever. What I remember watching were Popeye, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter Laboratory etc. But I really loved reading "Cinderella"

You see I have a brother 4 years older than me, so when it came to TV time, he usually got to choose the channel because he is, well, older than me. So I mostly watched WWF when I was younger. Yup wrestling. I remember the Rock's punchline (?) was "Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?" I was exposed to such violence at a young age *the horror*. I distinctively remember my brother doing a WWF stunt on me at my grandmother's house also. So if you're wondering why I am violent most of the time, blame WWF. It's kind of a waste that my parents did not send me for martial art classes. I would love to kick some butts or channel that anger to something physical.

2. I used to sit the bus to go to kindergarten although it is really near my house. I suppose my parents wanted me to learn to be a little bit independent? Even when I was younger, I did not make friends very easily. Whenever I feel like I don't fit in, I usually just shun away instead of trying harder to mingle. So on the way to kindergarten, I often sat at the front and spoke to the bus driver. You can say the bus driver adored me :) 

During the first day of kindergarten (?), I did not want to get down from the bus so what I did was I pulled my Principal's hair when she tried to get me off the bus. Haha. Violence strikes up again!

3. *bangga moment* I started sleeping in my own room at a young age, according to my parents. Probably when I started kindergarten. And I loved sleeping with the lights off.

4. Last time during weekends, my family will either go cycling to Bukit Serindit, a park near my house or we will go swimming. I don't know when we stopped doing all that.

5. My family together with my grandparents and uncles and aunts used to go vacations together when I was younger, still with my mushroom hair style. Somehow, we stopped doing that also.

6. A boy asked me to be his girlfriend when we were both 12. But I said no. I think now karma is getting at me. I'm 21 and still single. Blehh :/

7. I went to a Chinese kindergarten but then continued on to Convent schools during Primary and Secondary years. Nobody really enforced the importance of Mandarin during my time. So my Mandarin is really rusty. Only lately I learn to speak and read a little bit of Mandarin.

8. I used to stay at my grandparents' house after school, while waiting for my mother to get back from work. Once I broke the handle of the water dispenser, and frightened that my grandfather will punish me, my grandmother took the blame for me. She told me to lie and say that she did it :'(  first time I felt like I really love my grandmother.

9. I think I used to cry a lot when I was younger. Haha.

10. I was close to losing my grandmother. I don't remember when it happened but a vein in my grandmother's brain ruptured and she was in a comma. I don't really remember much about it but I knew that feeling of almost losing her is something I never want to experience again.

11. I lost my best friend when we were both 17 years old. She passed away on Valentine's Day.

12. I used to play with water a lot during bath time. Me and my brother would wet the toilet paper, make it into a ball and throw it to the ceiling while it got stuck there. Of course, my grandfather caught us. 

13. There was one point of time when I was in Standard 3 where I did not want to do my homework. I would stack my homework or hide them until my parents caught me. That was the first time I got canned by my parents. I think that was the only time I got canned.

14. I was the class monitor from Standard 1 to Standard 3. I was also the Head Prefect in Standard 5. My name is engraved on the board in my primary school.

15. I loved to run when I was young. I would join the running event every year during Sports Day.

16. My only school trip during Primary school was to Cameron Highlands. I loved it.

17. I have stolen a postcard from Popular book store. I really liked Wu Chun from Fahrenheit last time. I have the postcard on my cupboard now :D

It sounds like I was a really mischievous child but I actually am not. These are just the memories I can recall, and they are mostly of me doing bad stuff. Haha. 

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