Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Getting Out Of My Comfort Zone, Sort Of

I think I'll start posting at least one post per month. I even forgot to post about my 21st birthday celebration last month. On my birthday cake, it was written "Happy 21th Birthday, Kelsey" #laugh.die.me. But all in all, you know I'm gonna say that I feel blessed and grateful cos some of my relatives came from Singapore. Friends whom I thought cannot make it showed up. There was nothing more I can ask for.

Things have been shaping up lately. I made so many new friends. Curb that shyness away sometimes. Although, it is in my nature to not talk a lot but just to listen instead. Dove traits are really prevalent in me :D sometimes I find myself boring. Oh my gosh. But with the right company of friends I can talk like there's no tomorrow. Then I think again, maybe it's not me but it's them. Hmm.. But seriously, I appreciate people listening to me however lame and dry I can be sometimes. 

Anyway, I am really really happy that I decided to join World Mental Health Day although I feel that my contribution is just a tinsy bit. But the few people that I get to know there makes going for meetings, roadshows, fund raisers etc such a joy. Although I have butterflies in my stomach sometimes because of God knows what, it goes away almost immediately. The fun experiences and the even more wacky people there are what makes university life a lasting memory. Something I can pen down in my book of memory. The beginning of a new chapter. You get where I'm going, right?

I didn't really have a certain "theme" to talk about when I started this post, like how I sometimes have so please excuse the unflowness of today's post. 

I've been thinking recently, when am I gonna get a boyfriend? I don't know if I'm a girlfriend material kind of person--> what does that even mean? But I'm so excited to try. I think I've been so excited that I go crazy with the first guy I have a "connection" with. Haha. Bad idea. But they usually will just be crushes. Sometimes lingering crushes. I suppose also it's not been in my nature to be really close to guys. I never really had that kind of experience with any guy in my family. They're all just my relatives, not really people whom I'm comfortable confiding in. I suppose I'm taking the Freudien approach in this and just blatantly blaming my past and childhood.

I don't know why I'm using Psychology jargons now. 

What am I trying to say? I'm not quite sure. But if I were to have a boyfriend, which I hope I do, I pray that God gives me one who is loving, understanding, has a wicked sense of humour and good looking, if that is not too much to ask. 

I would like to feel these feelings
The first time we hold hands.
The first time we kiss. 
The first "I Love You's"
That ought to be exciting, right?

But for now, I'll take things as they go and enjoy each day as it passes by. 

WMHD for the win. I feel like a fcking mafia in this photo. Oh good lord. And I'm really hungry at this ungodly hour. Rawr


  1. Happy 21th. Oh dear I dont know what to say hahahaha. Spelling nazi in me is gonna say wacky, not whacky. Hahahahha belasah orang hahahaha.

  2. Hahahaha thank you wei. I wrote this at 4 am so I do want to belasah myself for not sleeping
