I am so effin' mad right now.

Okay, not really angry mad. More of really irritated.
Maybe it's PMS. Pre-menstrual syndrome.
Or the shit load of assignments to do. And I don't know how to start.
Or the fact that I tried to book an early flight to Singapore but the fee increased.
Or that the stupid credit card transmission cannot seem to get through.
I give up.
Positive thoughts.
Positive thoughts.
Positive thoughts.
On a brighter note (wahh change mood so fast ^^), I went for a mini charity concert yesterday in Help Main Block. Paid RM 8 for it. Actually I was cheated cos on the promotional poster it said ticket price is only RM 5.
Somehow, they sold out those tickets so the ticket I bought was considered as a late-comer ticket. Like that also can -_- But since it was for charity, so I paid willingly lah. The acts were pretty good. Most of them are/ were Help University students. And most of them sang. But it was a night to let go of stress and just take in the music. There were a few guys who played the guitar/ keyboard and they can sing and they got swag, yo! Nice 3 hours to "cuci mata".
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Who's lying now? |
Reuben Kang was the emcee for the event. In case you don't know who Reuben is, he is quite famous. (in Malaysia at least). He's one half of Jinnyboy TV. If you don't know who Jin is, he's the DJ for Hitz.fm. If you don't know what Hitz.fm is, seriously WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING?!!
Reuben Kang was the emcee for the event. In case you don't know who Reuben is, he is quite famous. (in Malaysia at least). He's one half of Jinnyboy TV. If you don't know who Jin is, he's the DJ for Hitz.fm. If you don't know what Hitz.fm is, seriously WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING?!!
Ya that dude is Reuben Kang a.k.a the Malaysian version of Psy.
Have you heard this version of Gangnam Style? I kinda like it. Everyone is catching the Gangnam fever. OMGGG. Even one of my lecturers, who looks like Psy, danced this yesterday. Didn't know he was that sporting. @.@
Left : Reuben, Right: Mr Lecturer |
People in Help are really cool.
Reuben is kinda cute also. I tweeted him after the concert and he replied
Reuben is kinda cute also. I tweeted him after the concert and he replied
I read this blog about this Singaporean blogger cos one of my friends mentioned her on Facebook and Twitter. I read about how she met her husband online. She was only 21 then and he flew to Singapore to meet her. He's all the way from the States. Really sweet story. But also kinda scary that she took the chance. I mean for all you know, he can be a rapist or a serial killer right? You cannot trust people you meet online.
But aww.. damn romantic lah her story.
But aww.. damn romantic lah her story.
I was so sappy after reading it.
Now I hope I'll meet a guy who is as passionate as him. And who would sacrifice everything to be with me.
I would sacrifice some stuff also lah. I'm not that selfish, k?
Although I strongly feel meeting people via the web for the first time is pretty creepy.
Also I feel that she looks so much prettier with her original hair colour. Maybe because I don't really fancy blonde girls. Not that I'm stereotyping them or whatever. I just prefer girls with darker hair colour (?) I think she is beautiful just the way she was, before the surgeries and stuff. People have no right to call her a slut or a prostitute or "plastic" just because she underwent a couple of surgeries.
Who are you to judge, seriously?
I think that was one of the reasons why I was mad also. Because people think its right to call girls names just because they're hiding behind a screen. And like she said, you're no Zac Efron or in my case Ryan Reynolds. You don't have the look or the body and the brain for that matter, so just shut the eff up. No one is passing around judgement about you or calling you ugly. Just shut up and mind your business, assholes.
Happy thoughts.
Happy thoughts.
Happy thoughts.

So damn hot. /faints /dies
But he's married again.
Pictures taken from Google
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