I feel so much better after ranting in my previous post
This might come of as a late notice,
But my grandmother is doing so well right now!
My gratitude goes out to everyone who prayed for her

I see God working a miracle
And always believe that good karma will come back to you
It's just a matter of time
The other day, leaving from the Hospital, I saw a RM 10 note on the floor
I was sceptical whether to pick it up
But I did anyway
And no, I did not spend the money
I understand that the money isn't mine to spend
You're probably wondering why I picked it up
The answer is because I know someone else would
And instead of letting it fall into the wrong hands, I picked it up instead
The other day, a guy came to ask for donation for the people affected by a war?
I don't know what his reason was exactly but I see that as a sign
So I gave that money away
Now hopefully, that money can be used to help some people in need

Sometimes I get so frustrated that things aren't going exactly the way I planned them to
But often I fail to see that God is probably working something out for me
Cliche as it seems, but I believe that to be true
If something is not going my way, then it probably isn't God's way
I need to seek for patience

Easier said than done, right?
So happy ur GM is all well now!
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