Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tomorrow Came Early

Tomorrow is the 29th February 2012
I am gonna do something spectacular that will blow your mind!


especially you, you son of a bitch.


Whoa pro giler! That would be me...in never. Heh!

This would be the neighours
Me neighbours will say...


On another totally unrelated note,
I went job hunting today.
Might be working at a daycare sort of place for only half a day, on weekdays
Pay is about RM 400- RM 450.
Sounds good, no?
Sounds pretty awesome to meh!
Waiting for the Principal to call back
*fingers crossed*

Contemplating whether to get an iPad 2 or Samsung Galaxy Tab 
Need to get some cash first.

Is an iPad 2 any good?

And there's free engraving if you get it from a MAC store.
I'm gonna engrave my pretty little name there
And maybe a quote
Something really awesome and genius
Gonna have to take time to figure that one out.

Damn, I'm bored to my socks

Ze left or ze right?
That's ze ques-ti-on

Totally random info : I got a total of 1019 views on my blog. Hurrray!

Friday, February 24, 2012

I Love You, Mom

In conjunction with my mom's birthday (23 Feb), I wrote her a poem
No that wasn't her birthday present (That's so cheap! But very thoughtful ^^)
It doesn't rhyme
And it's so corny

Here goes : 

She cared for me when I was young
She cared for me during stressful times
She cared for me when I was sick, down and disappointed
She still cares for me right up til' now

She pours her love through her scrumptious meals
She pours her love through her kind words
She pours her love by the gentle kisses on my cheeks
She pours her love by her constant support

She is my shoulder to cry on
She is my pillar of hope
She knows the right words to say
She knows when to just listen and be still

She taught me to never give up
She says to always give my all
She says to always believe in myself
Best of all, she says she believes in me

Her kindness doesn't just stop here
She spreads the seeds to everyone else
Her students love her, oh so dearly!
But her family loves her more!

Sometimes she feels so tired
Sometimes it seems like no one cares
Sometimes everything seems so effortless
But remember, often I am always there!

Family is God's gift to us
I am glad to have landed with you
I must have been nice in my past life
Because God gave me the perfect gift

I apologise for not always being nice
I am sorry for times I was rude
I am grateful for your enduring patience
Thank you for always being there

You are definitely my inspiration & my best friend
Without a doubt, I aspire to be you
I am proud to call you my mom
I hope you feel the same about me too!

Mommy & Me!




The name is Grant Gustin
Total MAJOR hottie!
Age : 22 years old (Say whuttt???)

Last spotted on Glee Season 3
It's time they have him

Yes, Pierre, we just ain't working out.



Monday, February 20, 2012

Turning Tables

After going back and forth on what course I'm gonna take,
it's finally decided!
No medicine
No pharmacy

I'm gonna do psychology.
I'm very sure of it.
Like how a monkey is sure it likes banana.
Not a really good example, but there you go!

Made up my mind yesterday,
On the way to KL,
After sleeping for what seems like 2/3 of the journey,
I finally made up my mind!

I didn't know there were SO MANY job opportunities for a psychologist.
Like you can work ANYWHERE!
In a firm, a corporate company, SHELL...everywhere!
Cos people need constant motivation!
Or the world is just getting even crazier
Okay sick joke. I'm not wishing for that.
I'm sorry.

After reading that DoctorJob mag, which I should have months ago,
But better late than never right?
Anyway, after reading that, I also know the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist
Haha I must sound really stupid right now.
But I don't give a damn.

Come to think of it, I've always chosen a career which involves social interaction with other people
First was medicine.
I was so determined to be a paediatrician because I love kids
But let's be realistic, I don't think I can survive competing with all the other doctors-wannabe out there
All the pressure and commitment involved
I think I was sucked into the glamour of it
But when I went for a "one week medicine course" before the JPA interview,
the doctors in GH said
"There's NOTHING glamorous about being a doctor"
Now, THAT'S a bummer!

Then I wanted to do pharmacy
That was before I entered Form 6 and decided that I don't really enjoy Chemistry besides Organic Chem.
Then slowly, that ambition faded into dust.

Finally, my aunt advised me to take up psychology
Which was what I chose without knowing much about, initially.
All I know was I wanted to help people,
Especially children
Like kids with autism because one of my cousins is autistic.
And then came yesterday, which to me was like a wake up call.
I knew so much more about Psychology!
And I love it!
I think it fits my personality.

Today I just needed a little reassurance .
My best friend, Raveena-Mei gave me just that.
She said,
"Yes. I see you being a psychologist because, you are very kind, honest and diplomatic. You know how to give the right advice at the right moment. You're very open and you are very humble, hence if someone argues with you, you state your opinion and leave it at that, you don't let your ego get in the way. And you're compassionate about people. How they feel? How are they doing? You take it upon yourself to make them feel spectacular"
Thank you!
I feel so much appreciation for my family and friends who were supportive of my decision.

After looking through the list of local universities that offer Psychology,
I think there's only one--UMS
And that's really far.
So, let's just stay in KL or Singapore while we're at it.
My parents are okay with me entering a private university.
If all else fails, I'll get into IMU and do my degree
Cos that's the only university that I trust.

And no, I don't think doing Form 6 was an utter waste of time
Because I hadn't decided what course I wanted to take after finishing Form 5
I mean, who am I kidding?
I didn't give a damn about A levels or foundation and what's not after completing SPM
All I wanted was a break
But after pondering long and hard about what I wanted to do,
A-levels was a definite no because it was WAYYYY expensive
I didn't get accepted for Matriculation (I don't think I'd be able to survive either)
Foundation was not in the decision because I didn't know what I wanted to do
So Form 6 seemed like a fair choice
Despite everyone (esp my bro) pressuring me about how tough it is
It IS tough.
No joke.
But I got through it and I gave it my all
Now let's hope the results won't disappoint
Results will be out early March
Now I can go kill myself

I feel like I trailed out of my main topic.
Oh yes, I wanted to reinstate that,
No, I didn't waste my time doing Form 6,
For all you narcissistic, pessimistic goons out there who would beg to differ.
I made the right choice with Form 6
Now I'm gonna do the same with Psychology.

Congratulations for still reading til' here
Thank you if you are still supporting me
Leave a comment, if you must!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

This Ain't Goodbye, Friend

Right now, I have mixed feelings.
I should have said my goodbyes to you earlier.
But we've grown apart these few years.
I know nothing about your life now.
Neither do you about mine.

What happened to us?
How did best friends become strangers?
Why did the daily text messaging stop?
How did it end?
Did we suddenly stop caring for one another ?

I know I haven't.
Because seeing your pictures, just departing to another land,
I should feel happy and proud
I am happy and proud for you
But the feeling of sadness is also slowly creeping in.

Here's wishing you a safe journey to Aussie.
I'll keep you in my prayers, always, from now on.
Study hard and smart, like I know you will.
Get friends who cherish your accompany.
Finally, find a girl who appreciates you for who you are.

Just because we stopped talking does not mean that this friendship ended
We will see each other soon
We will catch up
But before we do that,
Say hello to my friends, the kangaroos! 

See you soon, Leroy!

Picture stolen from his Fb account
Because I can!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Because That's What Friends Do

I got a text message at about 12.42 am today.

Is this Miss Kelsey Wee?

Ya who is this?

This is Prem from Fly FM. We like to let you know that you have won the latest Kelly Clarkson's album and it will be delivered to you in 3 days. Congratulations.

Okay thank you. But I don't remember participating in any contest :S

Today at approximately 9/10-ish am

Unknown :
That's okay. Because Karthik just pranked your ass. Hey Kelsey :)

I feel like a fool.
Kurang ajar.
I would've been more excited if it was a Simple Plan album ;)

I miss you, bro!
Welcome back to Malaysia!

I'll get you back..someday

I love my totally-inappropriate-SimplePlan-thingy here
Yeah woo!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do A Blood Donation

I just realised something wonderful!
After reading my cousin's blog.

To donate blood.

I wanted to last year
But because I weighed a kilo lesser than their weight requirement,
I couldn't.

Since now,
Everyone CANNOT stop talking about my weight
first my height,
now my weight,
what next, eh?
I figured I can go donate blood NOW.


Thank you

Valentine's Day - The Truth

I had initially wanted to write on the insignificance of Valentine's Day.
But after watching this video,

I decided not to.

Truth be told,
I never really saw a reason to celebrate Valentine's Day.
How can I when 3 years ago I lost my best friend on what's supposed to be the most romantic day of the year?

But 3 years have gone and past.
That's 3 years of coming with term that I lost her
And that I miss her.
And that she is NEVER coming back.

Wouldn't it be selfish to celebrate,
to be joyous,
when I was supposed to be grieving?

That was my point of view 3 years ago.

Now at 20, I realised that we NEED to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day isn't just a celebration for couples.
Whoever made up that rule?
Valentine's Day is a day for family and friends, 
teachers and students,
doctors and their patients,
for everyone, 
single or not.

If Valentine's Day is what it takes for friends to say that they care for each other,
for families to embrace one another in hugs,
for couples to smooch and spend a romantic time,

Why not celebrate the fact that 
We're friends for almost 10 years?
We're happily married with children?
We're proud parents of our well accomplished kids?


Although I still stand by my point if you care/ love someone then it is necessary to shower them with..
not gifts
but hugs and kisses

Who needs gifts?
Action speaks louder than words
They should change it to 
"Action speaks louder than some lousy gift"

I see past the grief and sorrow now
Valentine's Day is not only to commemorate couples, friends and families
Valentine's Day is the day the Lord embraced Tabitha and took her under His care.

I love you.
Still do

Friday, February 3, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Title Doesn't Matter, Lah!

This is so true!

F*cking Pissed Off

I am actually very angry right now.
Maybe not angry.
Just really unsatisfied.

For those out there whom I may not have updated,
I have started working.
Yes, you heard me right.
But I only have to work for 4 days.
Not a week.
But a month.
4 days a MONTH.
But after this month, I am NEVER going back doing the same job.

I'll tell you why.

I work in a place called Fuji Xerox, in Melaka Raya.
All I have to do is call clients and ask for their meter readings.
Seems pretty easy?
Ya that's what I thought.

But I forgot that humans with lack of manners still exist.
Humans with ego.
And humans with temper.

I can understand when people get annoyed when asked for their meter readings.
They have to probably drag their lazy ass off the chair,
Get to the photostat machine,
Press a few buttons (only 3 simple steps actually)
And then read out the readings to me.

I get that.

And I also get it when they say 'please hold on',
they mean to LITERALLY hold on.

I don't get annoyed by that.
So why should they?

But what I cannot tolerate is people with temper and has no manners.

The following happened to me this morning.

Me : Selamat pagi. Boleh saya cakap dengan Encik *asshole*?
Asshole : Ya. Saya.
Me : Hi. Saya dari Fuji Xerox. Boleh saya dapatkan bacaan meter encik?
Asshole : Eh u semalam kan dah janji nak call back 30 minit kemudian. Habis, u ingat saya tak de kerja lain ke? Hari-hari duk kat mesin jaga mesin?

Just to clear things off, I did call him back as promised 30 minutes later.
But the line was engaged (asshole)
And it was also the time I finished work.

I should have told him that.
But I was too shocked that I was being told off.
For something that I didn't even do wrong.
And I know not to mess with a man filled with fury.

He probably had a bad day.
But is that really a reason to put it out on the next person you have a phone conversation with?
That is not a pass for him to be rude and egoistic.


I'm so fckin mad.

God, please give me a clarity of mind.
And clients with manners for my last day of work.